Daily Sales Orders

You access this report from the Sales Order Bookings Last 7 Days metric in the Sales Dashboard.

See Sales Dashboard.

Your view of the data depends on whether the accounting entity selected in the Settings dialog is a base element of the Accounting Entity hierarchy, or a parent element:

  • If the accounting entity is a base element, the report displays data only for that accounting entity. You cannot select a different entity in the Accounting Entity list.
  • If the accounting entity is the parent of one or more base elements, the report displays data for the first of the base elements. You can select any other base element that has the same parent.

The title of the report reflects whether the selected accounting entity is a base element or a parent element.

From the Document Date list select the sales order date to view. To make navigation easy, the list is displayed as a hierarchy of years, quarters, and months. If you select a year, quarter, or month, the first day of the year, quarter, or month is selected.

You can recalculate the dates by choosing an absolute offset to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). In the data received by , all time stamps have been converted to UTC. Depending on the hour of day at which a sales order is raised, and the time zone in which the report is viewed, UTC-based data might be confusing. To view sales orders by reference to your local time, select the UTC offset for your time zone. The selected offset is applied to the document date, promised ship date, and promised delivery date.

For each sales order received in the last seven days, the report displays this information:

  • Customer name
  • Customer ID
  • sales representative name
  • sales representative ID
  • Product
  • Sales Order ID
  • Line
  • Line Status
  • Gross Amount
  • Units
  • Inventory unit
  • Promised Ship Date
  • Promised Delivery Date.
To drill back to the source system click a sales order ID or line number. The sales order, or sales order line is displayed in the source system.
Note: Drill back is enabled only when and the source system are running in Workspace or .