The Edit Settings dialog

This topic describes the fields of the Edit Settings dialog.
All data is displayed with reference to a specified date.
Currency Type
An organization may contain multiple accounting entities. Each accounting entity can have a local currency and a reference currency. For example, the regional accounting entities within a multinational organization might all have US dollars as their local currency but also need to report in the local currency.
By default, results are displayed in the local currency but you can switch to reference currency where it is applicable and recorded.
The currency type you select affects the selections available in the Accounting Entity field.
Accounting Entity
Accounting entities are stored in a hierarchy. You can select, from any level of the hierarchy, the accounting entity for which to view data. That is, you can select an individual accounting entity, an aggregated entity, or a parent entity - one that comprises two or more entities.
Aggregation of accounting entities is enabled only where it is valid. You cannot, for example, aggregate accounting entities which do not share the same currency, For this reason, the Accounting Entity field lists only accounting entities which have the currency type selected in the Currency Type field. Accounting entities for which the selected currency type is unknown are not listed.
Revenue Origin
Revenue origin represents the origin or type of revenue invoiced to a customer. The revenue origins are grouped into revenues from Goods, Services and Projects.'Invoice only' represents revenues which do not reference a specific origin. That is, where it is not known which transactional document preceded the invoice. Values in this category might originate from manually entered invoices where insufficient detail was entered.
Currency Scaling
The values displayed can represent Hundreds, Thousands, Hundreds of Thousands, or Millions of the selected currency type.
The language in which the dashboard and its reports are displayed.
Note: In some reports, you can specify the report period independently of dashboard. When opened from these reports, the Edit Settings dialog does not include the Day field.

To display the Settings dialog, click Settings in the toolbar of a dashboard or report. By default, the Settings dialog is also displayed when you log on to a dashboard from the start page.

See start page.