This report displays the Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) that is calculated based on Net profit/ loss, Interest Income, Interest Expenditure, Income Tax, Further Taxes, Amortization, and Depreciation Tangible Assets. The variance percentage between the EBITDA for the specified fiscal periods is also displayed.

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Detail Report:

The report is displayed as a spreadsheet. The first column of the report lists the accounts based on which the EBITDA is calculated. The remaining columns display the values of the accounts, such as Net profit/ loss, Interest Income, Interest Expenditure, Income Tax, Further Taxes, Amortization, and Depreciation Tangible Assets, for the specified fiscal periods.

The Variance Absolute column displays the difference in amounts between the fiscal periods for each account. . The last column displays the percentage variance between the specified fiscal periods.