COGS to Sales Ratio

This report displays the percentage of sales revenue used to pay for expenses which vary directly with sales. The Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) to Sales Ratio is calculated based on the Cost of Goods Sold and Revenues generated for a specific period.

The report is displayed as a column chart, the COGS to Sales Ratio trend is displayed as a line. COGS and Revenues are displayed as columns.

By default, this report compares the COGS for six fiscal periods.

Click to filter the data you want to view. See Filters.

Click to:

  • View Detail report
  • Select the Analysis dimensions

Detail Report:

The report is displayed as a spreadsheet. The first column of the report lists the accounts based on which the COGS to Sales Ratio is calculated. The remaining columns display the values of the COGS, Revenues and COGS to Sales Ratio for the specified fiscal periods.