Finance dashboard

The Finance Dashboard displays these metrics:
Profit and Loss KPIs
This metric displays and compares these values, for the previous month and the month prior to it:
  • Revenues
  • Gross Profit
  • Operating expense
  • Operating income
  • Net profit/loss.
For each value, a sparkline represents the values for the past twelve periods. That is, for the compared periods and the ten periods prior to them.
Linked report: Profit and Loss comparison statement.
Profit and Loss Statement
This metric displays a stacked column chart which represents revenues and expenses over the six months to the end of the previous month. A trend line on the chart represents the trend of profits over the same period.
Linked report: Profit and Loss trend statement
This metric displays and compares:
  • Long-term assets
  • Long-term investments
  • Current assets
  • Cash and bank balances
  • Prepaid expenses.
The comparison is between the values to the end of the previous month and the values to the end of the month prior to it. The variance between the values is displayed as a percentage.
For each item, a sparkline represents the values for the past twelve periods. That is, for the compared periods and the ten periods prior to them.
Linked report: Balance comparison statement.
A tab on the Balance comparison statement displays the Balance trend statement.
Assets and Liabilities
This metric displays two pairs of stacked column charts which compare, for the previous and prior months:
  • Current, long-term, and other assets
  • Current, long-term, and other liabilities
Linked report: Balance comparison statement.
A tab on the Balance comparison statement displays the Balance trend statement.
This metric displays and compares these items:
  • Shareholders' equity
  • Accrued expenses
  • Long-term liabilities
  • Current liabilities
  • Deferred revenues
The comparison is between the values to the end of the previous month and the values to the end of the month prior to it. The variance between the values is displayed as a percentage.
For each item, a sparkline represents the values for the past six periods.
Linked report: Balance comparison statement.
A tab on the Balance comparison statement displays the Balance trend statement.
Cash Flow for previous month
This metric displays a bridge, or waterfall, chart which represents the cumulative effect of Operating, Investing, and Financing activities on the cash situation; resulting in Net inflow/outflow. Green bars represent cash in, and red bars, cash out.
The total values of these activities are displayed.
A detailed breakdown of these activities is displayed in the linked report: Cashflow statement.