Analysis dimensions trend

You access this report by clicking an account in the data table of any of the trend reports in the Finance domain and selecting the dimension by which to analyze the account.

Analysis dimensions are used both to filter the list of codes displayed and to analyze individual codes in that list. For example, if you have analysis dimensions that represent business units or cost centers, you might display only codes which relate to a particular business unit or cost center and then analyze individual codes by business unit, or by cost center.

To filter the list of codes, click Select analysis dimensions and select up to ten dimensions. By default, the default element of each dimension is selected. Typically, the default element is the "All" element. To filter the list of codes as required, select elements from each dimension.

The Analysis Dimensions Trend report enables ad-hoc reporting. That is, you can create different views of the data by adding or removing dimensions, by selecting different elements from the filter dimensions, and by changing the positions of the dimensions and accounts. For example, by default the report displays the selected account as the Measure dimension (MEASURE_GL), and the selected analysis dimension forms the rows of the report. Any remaining analysis dimensions are used as filter dimensions. But you might, for example, exchange the row dimension with one of the filter dimensions. Or, you might use the Measure dimension as the row dimension. You might also drag an account from the data table and use it as the Measure dimension.

You change the positions of dimensions and elements by drag and drop. To move a dimension or element, click its label and drag it to the required position. A tick icon is displayed whenever the dragged item is in a position in which it can be dropped.

For each element in the data table, the report compares the Actual figures for the previous six months.

To change the periods and versions (Actuals or Budgets) which are compared click Edit time settings in the table heading. The Time Settings dialog is displayed.

See Time Settings.