Resize method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Sets the coordinates and dimensions of a component.


object.Resize( left, top, height, width )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a component object.
left Required. A Double that sets the distance from the left edge of the component to the left edge of the WinStudio workspace.
top Required. A Double that sets the distance from the top of the component to the top of the WinStudio workspace.
height Required. A Double that sets the height of the component.
width Required. A Double that sets the width of the component.


The parameters are measured in character units.


Sub Main()
   ThisForm.Components("grid1").Resize(23, 26, 10, 60)
End Sub

Related Topics

About character units

CharHeight property (WinStudio scripts)

CharWidth property (WinStudio scripts)

Height property (WinStudio scripts)

Left property (WinStudio scripts)

Top property (WinStudio scripts)

Width property (WinStudio scripts)