NotifyDependentsToRefresh method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Refreshes an object property in a specified IDO collection.


object.NotifyDependentsToRefresh( string )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
string Required. The name of the object property.
Note:  If the string is empty (""), all properties are refreshed.


Sub Main()
   Dim vEcnitemType As String
   Dim bCostView As Boolean
   If ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.IsCurrentObjectNew Then
      vEcnitemType = Left(ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetCurrentObjectProperty("EcnitemType"), 1)
      Select Case vEcnitemType
           Case "C"
      bCostView = ThisForm.Variables("vCanStdViewCosts;").Value = "1"
           Case "J"
      bCostView = ThisForm.Variables("vCanJobViewCosts").Value = "1"
           Case "E"
      bCostView = ThisForm.Variables("vCanEstViewCosts").Value = "1"
      End Select
      If bCostView Then
         ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.CurrentItem("DerMatlCostConv"). _
         ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.CurrentItem("DerLbrCostConv"). _
         ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.CurrentItem("DerFovhdCostConv"). _
       End If
   End If
End Sub
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