Using the Search Phys Inv Line Screen

Use this screen to search for inventory lines to count. You can scan an item number, lot number, or container to search for matching lines on the physical inventory that you selected on the List Phys Inv screen.

  1. If applicable, confirm the location specified in the Location field. Depending upon how you configure the Remember input field data parameter, a location might be remembered from your past search, and it might be automatically confirmed. If a location is not remembered, and the list is sorted by location, a location value is suggested using M3 logic. The next location to count, after the suggested location, is displayed in the gray area.
    • Remember input field data parameter only works after a successful counting. Meanwhile, doing a simple search always remembers the location entered and confirmed.
    • The application displays this message; Lines left to report in current location. Scan/enter again to confirm new location, if there is one or more lines remaining, to count on the currently suggested location.
  2. Optionally, in the Search field, scan an item number, lot number, or container. If you scan an item in the Search field, any lines on the physical inventory record that match the value you scanned will be found. The matching lines found in the search are displayed on the List Phys Inv Line screen. If you scanned an item number, and that item is not found on the physical inventory record, that item is displayed on the Report Phys Inv Line screen; a new line will be created for the item when you report a count for it.
  3. If you did not scan a value in the Search field, select Next. Any lines that match the location specified in the Location filter field are displayed on the List Phys Inv Line screen.
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