Setting Up an IDO for a DataView

When you create a predefined DataView, ensure that you set up the associated IDO so that only the desired data is retrieved when the DataView is displayed. This ensures that you minimize the retrieval time and get only the data that you really need.

Note:  This information applies only to predefined DataViews. The data for other types of DataView displays is controlled by the source from which the display was launched.

To configure an IDO for a DataView:  

  1. In the DataViews Setup form, on the General tab, click IDO Setup. The DataView IDO Setup form is displayed.
  2. Optionally, specify a filter to be used when retrieving the data.
  3. Specify this information:
    Source Name
    Specify the name of the custom load method being used as the data source. This field is enabled only if IDO Method is selected as the Source Type.
    Record Cap
    Specify the maximum number of records to return when the DataView query is performed. Options include:
    • Use System Setting: The system record cap setting determines the maximum number of records that can be returned.
    • Use Specified Max: This option allows you to set your own maximum for the number of records to be returned. When selected, this option makes visible and enables the Record Cap Value field.
    • Retrieve All: This option instructs the system to retrieve all available records, regardless of any record cap settings elsewhere on the system.
    Record Cap Value
    This column is visible and enabled only when the Record Cap setting is Use Specified Max. By default, this field contains the system setting for the record cap. You can change it to whatever value you choose.
  4. If the IDO being used is for a subcollection, use the Link By group of options to specify how the DataView should treat it:
    Link Type
    Specify whether the link is to be a multi-level or single-level link:
    • Multi-level nests the child IDO information under the parent information.
    • Single-level links and presents the parent and child IDO information at the same level.
    Parent Property
    Use the drop-down list to specify the property from the parent IDO collection to be used to establish the link between the parent IDO and the child (subcollection) IDO.
    Child Property
    Use the drop-down list to specify the property from the child (subcollection) IDO to be used to establish the link between the parent IDO and the child IDO.
  5. Click Add to add the Link By specification and display it in the list field.

    You can make multiple Link By specifications by selecting additional properties and then clicking this button.

    Note:  If you do not add the specification using this button, no Link By specification is established, even if you have selected both a Parent Property and a Child Property.

    To remove the Link By specification from the list, click Remove. If you have made multiple Link By specifications, this button removes all of them.

  6. To specify how the data is to be sorted after retrieval, use the options in the Order By group:
    Specify the property that should be used to order (sort) the retrieved data.
    Specify whether the data for that property is to be sorted in ASCENDING (A-Z) or DESCENDING (Z-A) order.
    Note:  If a record cap is in use, the Order By setting determines which records are selected for retrieval first. You can override the Order By specification in the DataSearch Results form by using a Sort By statement at the DataView Layout level.
  7. Click Add to add the Order By specification and display it in the list field.

    You can make multiple Order By specifications by selecting additional Properfy-Order selections and then clicking this button.

    Note:  If you do not add the specification using this button, no Order By specification is established, even if you have selected both a Property and the Order.

    To remove the Order By specification from the list, click Remove. If you have made multiple Order By specifications, this button removes all of them.

  8. Use the Properties group to specify the IDO properties to include in the DataView query. You can select individual properties or use the Select All or Deselect All buttons.

    Use the Caption Override field to override the default caption for a property. This can be helpful when you want to use a label for the property other than what normally displays in the user interface for that property.

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