Specifying Summaries for DataViews

Use specified summaries to display aggregate information about the data represented in a DataView. This aggregate information can include either standard summaries, such as Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum; or custom summaries that you define.

  1. When DataView results are shown, select Display > Show Summaries.
  2. Select a column on which you want to base a summary and click the "sigma" button.
  3. In the Select Summaries dialog box, specify one or more standard summaries, one or more custom summaries, or both.

    To specify a standard summary, depending on the data type of the column you used to launch the Select Summaries dialog box, you can select any combination, all, or none of these options:

    • Average: Calculates the mean average of the values retrieved for that column. This option is enabled only for numeric data types.
    • Count: Shows the total number of all the records retrieved.
    • Maximum: Showsthe maximum value represented in that column. If the value is a string or text value, standard alphanumeric valuation is used.
    • Minimum: Shows the minimum value represented in that column. If the value is a string or text value, standard alphanumeric valuation is used.
    • Sum: Adds the values of all records retrieved for that column. This option is enabled only for numeric data types.

    To specify a new customer summary in the Select Summaries dialog box:

    1. In the Name field, specify the name to assign to the custom summary.
      Note: This is the label that will be used for the custom summary caption. Take care when specifying this name, because you cannot change it later. If you decide to change the name/caption later, you must delete the existing summary specification and re-create it with the new name.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Use the Advanced Editor to define the formula or expression that is to specify what is displayed in the column.

      After you finish in the Advanced Editor, click OK.

The summary bar at the bottom of the DataView grid immediately displays the specified summaries.
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