Sample Error Message in Background Task History

This is a sample error message that might be shown in the Background Task History form:

-1 Error running report Error... [2003-08-06 11:05:57] MainModule.Main: This field name is not known. Command Line Parameters: -d SL9.00_OH_Dev -l sa -p **** -s Forms.dbo.Strings -f 1 -r OrderStatus -t 152995 -u matagl -e "D:\Taskman\Report\Errors\matagl\OrderStatusReport_OH_152995.txt" -site "OH" -db OH_App -n 1 -m ,,RB,POSCH,POFCH,1,B,0,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,O,0

This table describes the syntax and matches the parameters with the example message:

[general return code] [warning/error indicator] [date and time] [part of source code that failed] [report error text] [parameters that were passed to TaskMan]

Parameter Example
General return code -1
Warning/error indicator Error running report Error...
Date and time [2015-08-06 11:05:57]
Part of source code that failed MainModule.Main:
Report error message This field name is not known.
Parameters that were passed to TaskMan Command Line Parameters: -d SL7.03_OH_Dev -l sa -p **** -s Forms.dbo.Strings -f 1 -r OrderStatus -t 152995 -u matagl -e "D:\Taskman\Report\Errors\matagl\OrderStatusReport_OH_152995.txt" -site "OH" -db OH_App -n 1 -m ,,RB,POSCH,POFCH,1,B,0,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,O,0