About Maximum Concurrent Tasks

To avoid overburdening TaskMan, you can limit the total number of tasks being run at the same time. This is accomplished through the use of three fields:

  • Maximum Concurrent Tasks and Maximum Concurrent Report Tasks on the Intranets form
  • Max Concurrent on the Background Task Definitions form
Note:  If a task is submitted, but the maximum number of tasks is currently running, the task goes into a queue, and is processed as soon as a place becomes available.

The Maximum Concurrent Tasks field is used to define the maximum number of all tasks, including report tasks, that can run at a single time on the current configuration. If a task is submitted, TaskMan processes it only if the total number of tasks currently running is less than this number.

If TaskMan is monitoring multiple configurations, then each configuration's number of maximum tasks combine to define the maximum number of tasks that this specific TaskMan service can handle. For example:

TaskMan is monitoring two configurations: C1 and C2

Maximum Concurrent Tasks for C1: 10

Maximum Concurrent Tasks for C2: 20

Maximum Concurrent Tasks for this instance of TaskMan: 10 + 20 = 30

  • If 10 tasks are running on C1, then C1 can no longer run any tasks, because its limit has been met, even though TaskMan can handle 20 more tasks.
  • If 20 tasks are running on C2, then C2 can not launch any more tasks, but C1 could launch up to 10.

The Maximum Concurrent Tasks field is used to define the maximum number of report preview or print report tasks that can run at a single time on the current configuration. If a report or report preview is submitted, TaskMan process it only if the total number of report previews or print jobs currently running is less than this number.

Note:  TaskMan tracks report preview and print report tasks separately. This means, for example, that if you have this field set to 20, then you can have up to 20 report preview and 20 print report tasks processing simultaneously.

Because reports tasks are a subset of all tasks, Maximum Concurrent Report Tasks should be less than or equal to Maximum Concurrent Tasks . If you allow more reports than overall tasks, TaskMan limits the reports to the maximum overall tasks. For example:

Maximum Concurrent Tasks: 10

Maximum Concurrent Report Tasks: 20

  • If you submit 20 reports, only 10 run, because that is the maximum number of overall tasks.
  • If you submit 20 reports while 5 tasks are already running, only 5 reports are processed immediately.

If TaskMan is monitoring multiple configurations, then each configuration's number of currently running report tasks is calculated by adding the currently running report tasks from each configuration that TaskMan is monitoring. For example:

TaskMan is monitoring two configurations: C1 and C2

Maximum Concurrent ReportTasks for C1: 10

Maximum Concurrent Report Tasks for C2: 20

Number of reports currently running on C1: 5

Number of reports currently running on C2: 3

Number of reports tasks available to run on C1: 10 - (5 + 3) = 2

Number of reports tasks available to run on C2: 20 - (5 + 3) = 12


The Max Concurrent field is used to limit the number of times a single, specific task can be run at the same time. For example:

Maximum Concurrent Tasks: 10

Maximum Concurrent Report Tasks: 5

Max Concurrent for the ABCAnalysisRpt task: 1

  • If no tasks are currently running, and you submit the ABCAnalysisRpt report task twice, only one will be processed immediately.
  • If five report tasks are currently running, and you submit the ABCAnalysisRpt report task, it will not run until one of the five already running has finished.
  • If eight general tasks, and two report tasks, are running, and you submit the ABCAnalysisRpt report task, it will not run immediately, even though only two of the available five report tasks is running, because the total number all tasks has been met.