Scheduling Shifts

This form is used only with the APS planning mode and the Scheduler.

Use this form to define the daily working hours. Each shift record spans a single week.

Each resource can reference a shift defined on this form. Multiple resources may reference the same shift record. For example, you can define a shift that contains five days, with each day starting at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., for your 1st shift, and specify that shift for all resources working 1st shift. A resource can reference up to four shifts.

You specify shifts in terms of weeks. This weekly pattern repeats for all weeks within the Scheduling Horizon. A week starts Sunday morning at 00:00:00 and runs until Saturday at midnight. All periods within a week not specified with an interval period are assigned as not working, or down. Daily cycles do not automatically repeat. You must define each daily interval separately.

If you do not assign a shift to a resource, the resource is considered available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Note:  To define an off-period for all resources, use the Holidays form. To define overtime or off-time for individual resources, define a shift exception for the resource on the Resources form.
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