Using the Partner Selection Form

When you are scheduling a task for a partner, you can use the filters on the Partner Selection modal form to determine which partners to schedule. Follow these steps to select a partner:

  1. On the Calendar Scheduling form, Schedule Appointments form, Dispatch Scheduling form, or Multi-Day Scheduling form, click Partner Selection to open the Partner Selection modal form.
  2. If you opened the form from the Calendar Scheduling form, the Filter Override section has a default value based on the Service Schedule Profiles form.
  3. The Select Partners To Be Displayed grid lists all the partners in the system. You can filter this list using the Additional Filters fields.

    Click Select All to mark all the partners as selected.

    Click Deselect All to clear all the partners from selection.

    Click Apply to Display to apply the selections to the Calendar Scheduling form.

  4. You can set additional filters based on partner certifications, skills, and departments.
  5. You can select the Coverage check box and assign values to narrow the partner list by territory.
  6. Click Apply Additional Filters to Partner List to repopulate the list of partners.
  7. Use the Save Filter Type field to determine what is saved.
    • Selected Partners: When the partner filter is saved, only the specific partners listed are saved, thus creating a static partner list.

      For example, if you set up a coverage filter for Country United States, the partner grid shows all partners stationed in the U.S. Choosing Selected Partners excludes any new partner added in the same territory.

    • Filters: When the partner filter is saved, the Certifications, Skills, Departments, and Coverage, options are saved to allow the selection to be dynamic as information changes.

      For example, if you set up a coverage filter for Country United States, the partner grid shows all partners stationed in the U.S. Choosing Filters includes any new partner added in the same territory.

  8. The default Filter Name is the Partners value on the Calendar Scheduling form. Click Save to save the Partner Selection settings to the default value. Or, click Delete to clear the Filter Name and specify a new name to be used in the Partners field on the Calendar Scheduling form.
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