About Production Schedule Posted Transactions

The purpose of posting production schedule complete or scrap transactions is to have the system, where possible, automatically update the appropriate production schedule to indicate that the quantities have been completed or scrapped.

Effects on Capacity

The load or capacity for the associated work center will also be reduced by a corresponding amount for the completed or scrapped quantity.


Posting Process

The actual posting that takes place is conditional. The system makes the subsequent checks and performs these steps, in this order:

  • The system must first identify the item's production schedule release date against which it will post the completed or scrapped quantities.
  • The system determines potential production schedule releases based on the Look Ahead and Look Behind settings. You define these settings on the production schedule itself or on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form. On the Production Schedules form, if you leave the Look Ahead and Look Behind fields blank, The system uses the values in the corresponding fields on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form during transaction posting. On the Shop Floor Control Parameters form, if you leave the fields blank, the system considers the values to be zero. These settings establish a window within which the system posts completed or scrapped quantities against production schedule releases.

You post completed production schedule transactions to force the system to perform a cascading update of completed or scrapped quantities against released quantities. When the system determines a production schedule release date window to post against, it looks at all production schedule releases that have dates within the window. The system begins posting completed quantities starting with the first production schedule release where the date meets the criteria of the PS Look Ahead/Behind window. In addition to meeting the time frame of the window and in order to have quantities posted against that PS release date, the production schedule release must have a Released status.

A production schedule release can only be consumed or have the completed/scrapped quantities applied against it, up to the released quantity, unless that production schedule release is the last production schedule release that falls within the current PS Look Ahead/Behind window. In that case, the remaining quantities will be posted against the last production schedule release, and the completed/scrapped quantity will exceed the released quantity.

The Received and Moved fields are also updated for the appropriate operation. The completed, received, and moved quantities will be updated for all operations tied to the control point as part of the overall posting process.

Correcting Posted Quantities

To make corrections to posted completed or scrapped quantities, you enter negative completed quantities (adjustments for over-entering into the system). The negative completed quantity cannot exceed the total of all the released quantities within the specified window. For example, if you had previously entered and posted a completed quantity of 50, it is not possible to enter a completed quantity of -51.

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