Differences in MRP from PROGRESS to SQL Versions

In general, MRP in the SQL version is much the same as in the PROGRESS version. However, some changes were necessary due to the functional differences between the two. This topic lists the differences.

MRP Algorithm in SQL version

The planning algorithm used by MRP in the SQL version is almost identical to the algorithm used in the PROGRESS version. MRP in the SQL version plans requirements in order by the lowest level in which the item appears in all current, job, and production schedule bills of material. That is, it plans all end items first, then all items at the next level, and so on, backward planning each requirement from the requirement's needed date to the item's lead time, batching together requirements needed at the same period of time. MRP in the SQL version generates planned orders and exception messages to help you implement an accurate plan.

MRP Business Process

Your process for using MRP should not change significantly in the SQL version. As in the PROGRESS version's MRP, you must still run the Current Bill of Material Processor and Job and PS Bill of Material Processor before running an MRP generation to ensure the low-level codes are correct.

The SQL version also offers these MRP features found in the PROGRESS version:

  • Use the Lead Time Processor to calculate manufactured-item lead times from the time values defined on the routings.
  • Use the Material Planner Workbench or Order Action Report to view suggested release dates for your planned orders.
  • Use the Material Planner Workbench or Planning Detail form to view exception messages and firm planned orders into jobs, production schedules, etc.

You can run MRP in Net Change or Regeneration mode. As in the PROGRESS version, Net Change mode plans only those items for which on-hand, supply, or requirements information has changed since the last MRP run (as tracked via the Net Change field on the item record). When you make a change to an item's on-hand, supply, or requirements information, the Net Change field on that item record is selected automatically and that item will be included in the next Net Change MRP run, just as in  the PROGRESS version. Running MRP in Regeneration mode plans all items in the database.

The remaining sections in this topic list the differences in specific forms, fields, and other assorted differences. In some cases, there is not a direct mapping from a PROGRESS version form or field to an equivalent SQL version concept; however, in most cases, there is some replacement concept.

The tables below list only those screens/forms/parameters that are titled differently in the SQL version or are handled through some other function. If the form still exists in the SQL version under the same name as in the PROGRESS version (such as the Material Planner Workbench), it is not listed.

Form/Screen Differences

PROGRESS version screen SQL version equivalent
Planning Detail Display Planning Detail form
MRP Generation MRP Planning form
MRP Order Action Report Order Action Report
Rough Cut Capacity Planning screen (RCCP not brought forward to SL7)
Resource Master (user-defined resources not brought forward to SQL )
Items with Net Change Flag Set Report Filter on Net Change field on Items form to get list of items with Net Change field set.
Load Planned Orders utility Use the Schedule Planned Orders parameter on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form

Parameter Differences

PROGRESS version parameter PROGRESS screen SQL version parameter SL (SQL) Form
Mfg and PO Online Planning Parameters Planning Parameters (not brought forward to SQL) n/a
CO and Forecast Online Planning Parameters (not brought forward, but this function is supported through the SQL database structure inherently) n/a
Transfers Online Planning Parameters (not brought forward, but this function is supported through the SQL replication functionality) n/a
Whse Considered For Planning Parameters Dedicated Inventory Warehouses
Post Planned TOs Planning Parameters (not brought forward, but this function is supported through the SQL replication functionality) n/a
Use JIT Scheduling Planning Parameters Plan Materials at Operation Start Planning Parameters
Use Dynamic Lead Time Planning Parameters Use Scheduled Times in Planning Planning Parameters
Multi-site Group ID Planning Parameters (not brought forward, but this function is supported through the SQL replication functionality) n/a
MRP End Date Job Orders The closest equivalent is the job's Projected date. See the About Job Dates topic for detailed information about how this field is used in MRP planning. Job Orders

Exception Message Differences

PROGRESS version exception message SQL version exception message
Reschedule Receipt Move In Receipt

Move Out Receipt

Sched. Receipt Not Needed Receipt Not Needed
Sched. Receipt Past Due Rcpt Projected Late
Sched. Reqmt Past Due Rqmt Projected Late
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