Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Overview

This topic provides an overview of Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI.

EDI Interface

CloudSuite Industrial is integrated with an EDI translator. The system imports inbound transactions from the translator and exports outbound transactions to the translator.

See About EDI Translators.

The EDI translator interface supports six demand side and six supply side transaction sets. Infor CloudSuite Industrial EDI complies with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X12 and EDIFACT (International) standards.

See About EDI Standards.

The supported transactions are listed below.

This table lists the transaction number and name for demand side transactions:

Transaction X12 Transaction Number EDIFACT Transaction Name
Purchase Order (Inbound) 850 ORDERS
Planning Order (Inbound) 830 DELFOR
Shipping Order (Inbound) 862 DELJIT
PO Acknowledgment (Outbound) 855 ORDRSP
Advance Ship Notice (ASN) (Outbound) 856 DESADV
Invoice (Outbound) 810 INVOIC

This table lists the transaction number and name for supply side transactions:

Transaction X12 Transaction Number EDIFACT Transaction Name
Purchase Order (Outbound) 850 ORDERS
Planning Order (Outbound) 830 DELFOR
Shipping Order (Outbound) 862 DELJIT
PO Acknowledgment (Inbound) 855 ORDRSP
Advance Ship Notice (ASN) (Inbound) 856 DESADV
Invoice (Inbound) 810 INVOIC

Importing and Exporting

The CloudSuite Industrial application database includes tables whose names start with "edi..." that contain the following data:

  • EDI customer orders (not yet posted to the normal customer database tables)
  • Trading partner information
  • Documents for exporting
  • Other EDI related data

Data is exchanged between CloudSuite Industrial and the translator using flat ASCII files. The translator exports orders, which CloudSuite Industrial imports into its EDI database tables.

Import EDI Process in the ERP

To import data from all flat files currently in the IB-Inbound logical folder into the EDI database tables, use the EDI Transaction Load Routine utility. These files are also archived during the import process.

You can also automatically post EDI customer orders into CloudSuite Industrial during the import process, if you set up the EDI Customer Profiles form to allow this for certain trading partners. Otherwise, you need to post them manually from the EDI Customer Orders form.

Errors that occur during the import process are sent to the log file (editrans.log). To view any import transmission errors while you are in the EDI Customer Orders form, select Actions > List Error Log.

EXAMPLE: Sample editrans.log

Export EDI Process in the ERP

Outbound EDI document data is stored in the EDI database tables. Use the EDI Transaction Unload Routine form to export the data to the corresponding flat ASCII files in the OB-Outbound logical folder, where it can then be imported into the translator.

If you need to retransmit any outbound document that was already exported, use the Retransmit utilities in CloudSuite Industrial.

Note:  You must import any exported data from either CloudSuite Industrial or the translator to the corresponding system before you can perform any further importing/exporting from either system. This practice ensures data integrity between CloudSuite Industrial and the translator.
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