About Return Receipt

Flagging Returns

When the original RMA was created, the customer and the authorizing party agreed whether the disputed material would be returned or disposed of in some other manner. At that point, the Return flag for each line item under discussion was either selected or cleared on the RMA Line Items form. Line items with the Return flag cleared do not affect the return process and are not affected by it. When the return of material is agreed to, customers can be provided with an RMA Verification Report, which provides the name and address of the warehouse to which material should be returned.

Adjusting Costs

If you choose to accept inventoried items back into stock, the transaction affects system costing calculations.

The system will accept the returned item back into inventory at the item's current inventory cost. The table below shows the costs at which items will be returned under different costing methods.

Actual Costing Description
FIFO Item's Unit Cost
LIFO Item's Unit Cost
Average Actual Average Cost
Specific Specific Cost of Item at Location
Standard Costing Description
FIFO Item's Standard Cost
LIFO Item's Standard Cost
Average Item's Standard Cost
Specific Item's Standard Cost
Standard Item's Standard Cost

Non-inventoried items can be accepted in return, but cannot be put into stock.

Processing Returns in Shipping

See the Customer Service topics about processing returns before or after order invoicing.

Lot and Serial Tracking

Lot-tracked items: If the original customer order is linked to this RMA, the lot number will default from the CO. If not, the system will try to find a lot/location number associated with the item. You can overwrite any number proposed by the system and can create a new number if the system is unable to supply one.

Serial-tracked items: When an item is returned that is serial tracked, the Serial Numbers tab shows all serial numbers for the returned item that are currently out of stock. (If the returned item was shipped before you used CloudSuite Industrial, you can enter a new serial number.)

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