Updating Data from Data in an External Financial Application

  • This utility is not used when running the CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise Financials package that works with Infor SunSystems.
  • For Infor Global Financials (IGF) integration, only Chart of Accounts, Currency Codes, and Currency Rates can be selected on the Table tab. All fields are available for use on the Customer Posted Balance tab. The IGF integration uses direct data access with this utility to retrieve data for CloudSuite Industrial.

The External Financial Interface Data Request Utility can be set up to request updates to specific CloudSuite Industrial database tables from the external financial application. This utility works as follows:

  1. When the utility's Process button is clicked, the system submits background tasks to TaskMan. The number of tasks submitted is dependent upon the number of check boxes selected.
  2. When the task is processed, it constructs an XML LoadCollection request (or XML Invoke method request for the Customer Posted Balance check box).
  3. The XML request is submitted to the replication tables to be picked up by the Infor Framework Replicator service and placed within the appropriate queue (in this case, the Outbound Queue), based upon the Replication Rules.
  4. The Replication Listener then posts it to the designated URL for the external financial application.
  5. The external financial system translates the XML into a request that its financial application can understand. The application responds to the request by returning a set of updated data.
    Note: This step and the following step are not part of the CloudSuite Industrial system and must be set up according to the needs of the external financial system.
  6. The external financial system translates the set of data into an XML "load collection" request and places the request in the system mailbox.
  7. CloudSuite Industrial picks up the XML request and processes it, validating the request and updating the proper table.

For more information, see Example: Requesting Data from an External Financial Application.

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