Setting Up an Incoming Financial Interface

Use this topic to set up an incoming financial interface.

Use this topic in conjunction with Setting Up an External Financial Interface.

To set up an interface that updates the CloudSuite Industrial database with financial data from an external financial system, create XML documents that access the CloudSuite Industrial IDO collections. The process and syntax of using XML documents for data transfer to CloudSuite Industrial is described in the document Integrating IDOs with External Applications, available from our support site.

Then set up your external system to post the XML documents to the CloudSuite Industrial mailbox, using the HTTP POST protocol.

The CloudSuite Industrial External Financial Interface Data Request Utility can be set up to request updates to specific CloudSuite Industrial database tables from the external financial application. Depending on your external financial application's requirements, you may be able to use this utility as a starting point for setting up your application.

For more information, see Updating CloudSuite Industrial Data from Data in an External Financial Application.

Note:  For Infor Global Financials (IGF) integration, only Chart of Accounts, Currency Codes, and Currency Rates can be selected on the Table tab. All fields are available for use on the Customer Posted Balance tab. The IGF integration uses direct data access with this utility to retrieve data for CloudSuite Industrial.
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