Closing the Year for Accounts Receivable

To close an accounts receivable (A/R) period or a year, use the A/R Period/Year End Procedure utility. This utility clears the customer period-to-date information, or both the period-to-date (PTD) and year-to-date (YTD) information. In addition, you can use it to clear the salesperson PTD or YTD information. Finally, this utility also updates customer records to reflect the change of year.

To close a period or the year for A/R:

  1. Open the A/R Period/Year End Procedure form.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in these fields:
    • Customers, Salespersons, Both:
      • To process only records for selected customers, select Customers.
      • To process only records for selected salespersons, select Salespersons.
      • To process both customer and salesperson records, select Both.
    • Statement Cycles: Select the statement cycles you want to process. Options include: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or All.
    • Zero PTD Only: If you want to start a new period and clear only the period-to-date information, select this check box. If you want to clear all year-to-date information, clear this check box.
    • Starting and Ending Customer: Enter the range of customers you want to process. To process records for all customers, leave both these fields blank.
    • Starting and Ending Salesperson: Enter the range of salespersons you want to process. To process records for all salespersons, leave both these fields blank.
  3. Click Process.
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