About A/R Posting

During posting, the system updates three types of records:

  • Customer Master records
  • Open Item records
  • G/L Journal records

Following is a summary of the posting process:

  • The system updates two fields of the Customers file for each transaction posted.
  • If the receipt date for the payment transaction is later than the last payment date in the Customers file, the receipt date becomes the new last payment date.
  • The system reduces the Customer Posted Balance amount by the payment amount and any discount or allowance you give to the customer.
  • The system creates an Open Item record for each transaction being posted.
  • The system creates A/R Ledger Distribution Journal records.
  • For each transaction, there is one journal record for the cash amount and one transaction for each distribution record you enter.
  • While posting payments, the system recalculates the Customer's Days Outstanding fields for customers with an Open Item Balance Method. The values change if the payments being posted fully pay an invoice.
  • The system enters multi-currency gains and losses in the A/R journal (if applicable).
  • When posting multiple checks, wires, and adjustments, a summary entry is created on the Bank Reconciliations form. You can also post checks, wires, and adjustments individually to create individual bank reconciliation entries.
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