Read-Only, disabled, and dynamic components

WinStudio supports both read-only components and disabled components. These components do not respond to end-user interaction. They are often used to present read-only data.

Any component bound to a read-only property is automatically read-only regardless of the value of the component's [Read-Only/Disable] property. However, a component bound to a read-write property can be made read-only by setting its [Read-Only/Disable] property. Buttons and other unbound components can also be disabled by setting the property.

Components bound to key IDO properties have special behavior. These components are enabled for new IDO items in the collection and are disabled for existing items. This functionality prevents the user from attempting to modify a key field once an item is created. Even if a component is not bound to a key property, you can enable this behavior by setting the [Read-Only For Existing Records] property.

In some cases, a property's value should not be updated at the time a new IDO item is created in the collection. WinStudio supports this behavior with the [Read-Only For New Records] property. When this property is set to [True], the component is read-only for new items but not for existing items.

The [Disable In Filter-in-Place] property determines whether a component is enabled in Filter-in-Place mode. Set the property to [True] if you want to prevent a component from being available for a Filter-in-Place query.

Finally, WinStudio supports two options for dynamically disabling and enabling push buttons. The [Enable On Required Data Supplied] property causes the component to be enabled if and only if all required data entry fields have been completed. The [Enable on Nonmodified Records] property causes the button to be enabled if and only if no components have been modified since the last save or query. This property is useful if you need to force an item to be saved before enabling some operation.
