Creating a conditional action expression - simple example

This sample scenario shows how you can use WinStudio to generate conditional action expressions. Conditional action expressions have three parts: the action, the condition, and the value.

In this scenario, you want to make the [Credit Hold Date] a required field when users select the [Credit Hold] check box.

  1. Open the form whose collection includes the [CreditHoldEdit] component and the [CreditHoldDateEdit] component.
  2. Go into Design Mode and select the field (CreditHoldDateEdit component) for which you want to set the conditional requirement.
  3. In the [Component] property sheet for [CreditHoldDateEdit], select the [Required When] property and click the ellipsis ([...]) button that displays.

    This automatically sets [Action Type] to [Required] and [Action Value] to [#C(CreditHoldDateEdit)].

    This is the "Action" part of the expression: "The Credit Hold Date component is required..."

  4. In the [Edit Condition] dialog box:
    • Click [Edit Left Value]. Set [Value Type] to [ComponentValue] and [Value] to [CreditHoldGridCol].
    • Set [Operator] to [=].
    • Click [Edit Right Value] and set [Value Type] to [Literal] and [Value] to [1].

      A value of 1 indicates that the component check box is selected.

    This translates to [#C(CreditHoldGridCol) = "1"]

    This is the "Condition" part of the expression: "...when the Credit Hold component is selected."

  5. Click [OK] and see the full expression in the [Edit Set of Conditional Actions] dialog box:

    Required:#C(CreditHoldDateEdit), #C(CreditHoldGridCol) = "1", "True"

    The "Value" part of the expression is automatically generated in this case and is set to [True] to indicate that the component's value is required if the condition is true.

  6. To return to the [Component] property sheet and store the conditional expression in the [Required When] property of the [CreditHoldDateEdit] component, click [OK].
  7. Save the form and test it to make sure that selecting [Credit Hold] makes [Credit Hold Date] a required field.