Creating a Grid Only form

To create a grid-only form:

  1. In Design Mode, launch the [New Form Wizard] .
  2. In the first page of the wizard, select the [Create new form] option, and then click [Next] .
  3. In the next page, complete the following required fields:
    • In the [Name] field, perform one of these actions:
      • Select from the drop-down list the name of an existing form to use as the basis for the new form.
      • Form names must be unique.
    • From the [Form Type] drop-down list, select [Grid Only].
    • From the [Data Source] drop-down list, select an IDO to return the primary collection.
  4. Optionally, specify a default [Device Type] , a Query Form, and any comments.

    Comments are stored with the form definition and do not appear anywhere on the actual form.

  5. Click [Next].
  6. In the next page of the wizard ([Select Properties]), identify the properties of the IDO that will become grid column components in the new form.

    See 「New Form Wizard, Select Properties page」.

    注:  Subcollection properties cannot be used in Grid-Only forms. If any properties in the "included list" are subcollection properties, the wizard ignores them when creating the form.
  7. Click [Next].
  8. In the next page of the wizard ([Properties]), you can specify:
    • The order in which the properties are listed, which determines the order in which they appear in the grid
    • The captions for properties/components, which become the column headings
    • What component class, if any, is to be applied to each property/component

    For more information, see 「New Form Wizard, Properties」.

  9. Click [Next].
  10. Optionally, to create a template from the new form, select the [Save Template] option.
  11. Click Finish.

WinStudio then creates the form and displays a rough-draft version in Design Mode.
