New Form Wizard, Select Properties page

Use this page of the wizard to specify which IDO properties become components on the resulting form.

 Where and how these properties become components depends on what type of form you are creating. On a multi-view form, for example, properties specified for inclusion on this page become both columns in the Grid View and other types of components in the Detail View. The type of component it becomes in the Detail View depends on what type of property it is to begin with. But, regardless of the type that WinStudio creates the property component as, you can use Design Mode to change the component type later.

The exception to this rule is the query form, where the included properties do not become components, but rather the criteria that users can use to perform a query.

This page displays two lists of properties:

  • Properties in the left pane are not assigned to any components (or available as query criteria) in the newly created form.
  • Properties in the right pane, the "included" list, become bound to appropriate components (or available as criteria) in the new form.

    Most properties are bound to Edit components. If there is a list source associated with a property, it is bound to a combo box component. To use a different component type on the form, you can change the component type later, after the basic form has been created.

On this page, you can both add properties to the list to be included and remove properties from that list.

See 「Moving properties to the "included" list」 and 「Removing properties from the "included" list」.
