Generating VAT Files

Use the [Generate VAT File] form to generate text files that can be imported into the Golden Tax System (GTS). The Naming Rule of the text file that this process will generate is: CreateYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt or VoidYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt.

  1. Before you begin this task, you must specify a (VAT) Export File Logical Folder in the [Order Entry Parameters] form. The output file is placed in this folder.
  2. To generate a new VAT file or void a previously sent VAT invoice, select the [File Type].
  3. To see the invoices without generating a text file, select the [Preview] check box and click [Process].
  4. To generate a text file for all of the invoices, select the [Commit] check box and click [Process]. Then click [OK].
  5. Click [Files] to open the [File Maintenance] form. Select the VAT export file logical folder to display its files.
  6. Select the export file and click [Download] to download it to a local folder. If there is more than one file in the logical folder, you can tell which file is the newest by the date in its filename.