Importing Web User Control Assets

Web User Control Assets are files and other resources used to create a Web User Control. Web User Controls are specialized user controls that you can create to perform a wide variety of user interface functions, both in the Windows (smart) client and in the web client.

To import Web User Control assets:

  1. In CloudSuite Business, go into Design Mode.
  2. From the [Edit] menu, select [Web User Control Assets].
  3. In the [Edit Web User Control Assets] dialog box, select the [Page Elements] tab.
  4. Click [Import].
  5. In the [Import Files and Folders] dialog box, click [Source Folder] and use the [Browse For Folder] dialog box to navigate to the folder where your HTML file and assets are located.
    注: If your HTML file and associated resources are all located in a single folder (possibly with subfolders), you can import them all at once. Alternatively, you can use these steps to import each file or resource individually.
  6. To return to the [Import Files and Folders] dialog box, click [OK].
  7. In the [Target Path] field, specify the folder where you want to import the HTML file and assets. You can do this in either of these ways:
    • To import to an existing folder, select the folder/subfolder you want from the drop-down list.
    • To create a new base-level folder, type the folder/subfolder path directly in the [Target Path] field. Name the folder or use this format: folder/subfolder/subfolder...
  8. Click [Add files].
  9. In the [Select files and folders to import] dialog box, use the check boxes to select the files/folders you want to import.
    The [Action-Path] grid displays the selected files and the folder/file destinations.
    注: If your HTML file and associated resources are all located in a single folder (possibly with subfolders), when you import that folder, the [Edit Web User Control] dialog box duplicates the folder/subfolder structure that the files had in the original location.
  10. Click [OK].
  11. In the [Edit Web User Control Assets] dialog box, verify that the files/folders you selected have been imported to the correct location.
  12. Click [OK].