Managing Web User Control Assets

Web User Control Assets are files and other resources used to create a Web User Control. Web User Controls are specialized user controls that you can create to perform a wide variety of user interface functions, both in the Windows (smart) client and in the web client.

Web User Control Assets are managed using the [Edit Web User Control Assets] dialog box, which is accessible from the [Edit] menu in Design Mode. In this dialog box, you can perform these tasks:

  • Import assets used to implement Web User Controls.

    See 「Importing Web User Control Assets」.

  • Create HTML pages and other resources that can be used to host and display Web User Controls.

    The [New] option launches a built-in HTML editor, the [Edit Browser File] dialog box, with the basic HTML framework already created. Any text resource (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, etc.) can be created or edited using this built-in editor. In addition, if the content type is an image type, this dialog box can be used to import or export those images.

  • Edit HTML pages and other resources that can be used to host and display Web User Controls.

    The [Edit] option launches the [Edit Browser File] dialog box, already populated with the data for the selected asset.

  • Delete a selected asset.
  • Copy a selected asset, which you can then modify for your own purposes.