About ToolbarButton components

Use the ToolbarButton component to create a custom button that appears on the WinStudio main toolbar. Typically, this component is most useful on a mobile form.

When created, this toolbar button appears to the right of any other existing buttons displayed on the toolbar.

To create a toolbar button, select this component type from the Toolbox and specify the desired properties.

The action initiated by a custom toolbar button is determined by the Primary Event setting on the Events property sheet. The button displays and is active only for the form with which it is associated.

When creating the icon to use for the button, you have two options:

  • You can use a simple image. This image must be no more than 16 pixels by 16 pixels and must be formatted as .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG.
  • You can use a sprite image, so that when a user moves the pointer over the icon, the appearance changes. For the procedure to use a sprite image, see Creating Sprite Images for Toolbar Buttons.
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