Where Used

The Where Used forms display records throughout the system that would be affected if you delete the selected code or entry.

For example, the Where Used Departments form lists all work centers, fixed assets and classes, payroll transactions, employees, supervisors, and positions associated with a specific department code. If you delete that department code, any of these areas could be affected. This list shows the specific records in those areas where you must change the department code before deleting it from the Departments form.

Tabs on some Where Used forms are available only when you select applicable codes or entries. For example, on the Where Used Price Codes form, the Orders and Customers tabs are available only when you select a customer price code; the Item Price and Product Codes tabs are available only with an item price code.

To display Where Used records for a parent form (such as Price Codes), select Actions > Where Used in the parent form.

When you access a Where Used form standalone - that is, not from a parent form - you might need to click the Refresh button to display records.