Creating Production Schedule Transactions

Use the Production Schedule Complete Transactions form to record the finished goods, and the Production Schedule Scrap Transactions form to record scrapped inventory.

Record the Finished Goods

Use the Production Schedule Complete Transactions form to record transactions for finished goods.

Note:  Production Schedule Complete transactions apply only to operations designated as control points.

Enter the appropriate data in the required fields. In the Completed field, enter the total number of items completed, excluding scrap. In the WC field, enter a work center from an operation that is a control point.

When finished, click Process.

Record the Production Schedule Scrapped Inventory

Use the Production Schedule Scrap Transactions form to record scrapped inventory from production schedules.

Note:  You can execute production schedule scrap transactions from any operation.

Enter the appropriate data in the required fields. In the Scrapped field, enter the number of the item that is being scrapped. In the WC field, enter any work center from any operation.

When finished, click Process.

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