Updating the Production Schedule Status

You can update the status of the production schedule itself, which in turn updates the status of all the production schedule's items, or you can update the status of the production schedule items and/or releases individually.

  1. To update the production schedule header and items status:
    1. On the Production Schedules form, make sure that you are working with the schedule whose status you want to update.
    2. In the Status field, change the status from Planned to Released.
    3. Select Actions > Save.
    4. If no routings exist for the PS items, select Items/Releases to open the Production Schedule Items form so that you can copy the current routing and BOM information from the inventory item's routing and BOM.
    Note:  When you change the status of a production schedule, the status is updated on all the production schedule's PS items.
  2. To update a production schedule release status:
    1. On the Production Schedule Items form, make sure you are working with the production schedule item that contains the release you want to update.
    2. In the grid at the bottom of the form, select the appropriate release.
    3. In the Status field, change the status from Planned to Released.
    4. Click OK at the confirmation message.
    5. Click OK again to copy the PS item routing/BOM (if one exists) or the item current routing/BOM to the PS release.
    6. In the Due Date field, select a due date for completion of this release.
    7. In the Released field, enter the release quantity.
    8. Select Actions > Save.
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