EDI Customer Profiles

Use this form to set up the trading partner profile of your EDI customer. You can specify how to handle incoming orders for each EDI customer and enable additional transactions. Before using this form, you must set up the demand side parameters for EDI.

See Demand EDI Parameters - Interface Setup.

CloudSuite Business handles EDI customer orders for customers who have exceeded their credit limit depending on fields you select on the EDI Customer Profiles and Accounts Receivable Parameters forms.

You can prevent EDI customer orders from posting to CloudSuite Business when the credit limit is exceeded by selecting the Validate Credit Limit field on the EDI Customer Profiles form. However, by selecting the Limit Exceeded Credit Hold Reason field on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form, you can let the system automatically post the customer order to CloudSuite Business and place the order on credit hold if the customer's credit limit is exceeded.

To allow all EDI customer orders to post to CloudSuite Business without regard to credit status, clear both fields.

The Where Used report is accessible from the Actions menu.

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