EDI Customer Orders (850/Orders)

Use this form to load inbound purchase orders (850/ORDERS) from your EDI customers into your database as EDI customer orders.

You can post the orders manually or allow EDI to post them automatically, depending on how you set the Auto-Post option on the EDI Customer Profiles form:

  • If you set Auto-Post to Inbound or Both, EDI automatically validates and posts the orders to CloudSuite Business.
  • If you set Auto-Post to Outbound or Neither, you must post the orders to CloudSuite Business manually from this form's Actions menu. When posted, these orders create CloudSuite Business customer orders.
  • Actions > Post Current: Posts the current EDI CO to CloudSuite Business.
  • Actions > Post All: Posts all valid EDI COs to CloudSuite Business at the same time.

The Actions menu includes these options:

  • The two Post options mentioned above.
  • A Where Used form.
  • Several list reports.

In the Tax Info tab, there are fields used by the European Union (EU). If the Activate EU Reporting check box on the General Parameters form is not selected, some of these fields are disabled.

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