Accepting and Applying SRO Deposits in Accounts Receivable

The SRO deposit feature is integrated with Accounts Receivable, so that A/R payments are created for deposits and A/R credit memos are created for promotional discount deposits.

To add, process, and invoice deposits, see Processing Service Order Deposits

To add, process, and invoice discounts, see Processing Promotional Discounts for Service Orders.

Invoice Posting Account Example

For this example, an order is created for $350, with sales tax of $10.94, and a deposit of $250.

Account Credit Debit
Sales $350  
Sales Tax Payable $10.94  
A/R   $360.94
Order Deposit   $250
A/R $250  

Additional Information

On the Service Order Deposits form, a status (Pending, Open, or Complete) is displayed for the deposit. The invoice number is displayed for a recorded deposit, and a credit memo number for a real deposit.

On the Service Orders form, all deposit applications against the SRO, as well as all SRO-specific deposits that have been entered, are displayed in separate grids.

On the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form, order deposits are displayed as open payments. A/R transactions that represent the open portion of order deposits and promotional discounts cannot be updated in this form.