Reversing a Job Transaction

If you posted a run, setup, machine, or move transaction with incorrect hours or quantities, you can reverse the transaction. To reverse the transaction, enter another transaction with the same employee, job, operation, transaction date, etc., but with negative hours and quantities.

You can reverse the entire transaction or only the incorrect amount:

  • To completely reverse the transaction, enter the negative of the total hours and/or quantity completed by the original transaction
  • To reverse only the incorrect amount, enter only the negative of the incorrect amount

When you post this transaction, all of the fields posted by the original transaction will be reduced, including:

  • operation quantity complete and moved
  • quantity received in the subsequent operation
  • operation hours and total cost
  • job WIP totals

If the original transaction moved pieces into inventory, the negative transaction will pull the pieces back out of inventory to the last operation and decrease the quantity complete on the job.


If you are reversing a transaction for pieces that should not have been completed at an operation, you must enter the negative transaction against the same operation the original transaction had been entered against. When posted, the negative transaction will pull those pieces back from the "move to" operation to the operation you are posting the transaction against.

For example, if you entered 100 complete at operation 30 and moved them to operation 40, and only 90 were completed, you should enter a transaction for -10 against operation 30. That will reduce the quantity complete and quantity moved at operation 30 and the quantity received at operation 40 to 90.

Data Collection

If you enter job transactions through a data collection solution, you must enter the reversing transactions at the end of your employee shift or on the next day.

Avoiding Future Incorrect Transactions

You can avoid entering incorrect job transactions by using the Perform Additional Validation option on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form. This option validates your transactions as you enter them, preventing you from entering incorrect quantities and allowing you to correct the errors before posting the transactions.

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