Entering Job Transactions

To record the details of the various activities involved in the setup, issuing of material to, running, and completion of a job order, as well as moving finished goods from the job to inventory, you must enter job transactions in the system.
Note:  Use the Perform Additional Validation shop floor control parameter to help avoid entering incorrect job transactions. If you post an incorrect transaction, you can reverse it by entering a negative transaction.

See Reversing a Job Transaction.

There are two general types of job transactions: material transactions and operation transactions.

Job Material Transactions

Job material transactions record the quantity of materials issued from inventory to the job (or returned from the job to inventory). You can enter material transactions using any of these methods:

  • Use the Job Material Transactions form to enter transactions manually.
  • Select the Post Material Issues option on the Job Pick List report to automatically issue the materials when you print the pick list.
  • Use the Backflushing function to allow the system to enter the material transactions automatically.
Note:  If you are issuing material to a rework order, you must enter the job transaction manually using the Job Material Transactions form.

To view the cost and quantity details of material transactions posted to a given job, run the Material Transactions Report or view the Accum Values tab on the Job Materials form.

Job Operation Transactions

Job operation transactions record the details of the job operations, including:

  • Setup, Move, and Run times
  • Pieces completed or scrapped
  • Pieces moved to the next operation
  • Machine overhead
  • The marking of an operation being complete.

To enter a job operation transaction:

  • Use the Unposted Job Transactions form to create the transaction.
  • Use the Post Job Transactions activity to post the transaction to the shop floor distribution journal.

Moving Completed Pieces to Inventory

To move finished pieces from the job to inventory automatically when you create the job transaction, select the Job Stock Transaction field on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form.

If you need greater permissions control over the recording of finished pieces, clear the Job Stock Transaction field. With this field cleared, you must first enter the job transaction and then use the Job Receipt form to receive the finished goods into inventory. The Job Receipt form requires Inventory Control authorization.

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