Adding a Production Schedule Release Manually

Use the Production Schedule Items form to create production schedule releases manually.

  1. Open the Production Schedule Items form (or click the Items/Releases button from the Production Schedules form).
  2. Select a production schedule.
  3. Select the PS item to which to add the release.
  4. In the Production Schedule Releases grid area of the form, add a new line and enter the appropriate data in the required fields:
    • Due Date: Specify the date for which this production is being planned.
    • Status: Enter the status or accept the default of Planned.
    • Released: Enter the quantity to be produced for this particular production occurrence.

      Note:  When you update the status from Planned to Released, the system prompts you to copy a routing (if one does not exist). For a production schedule to have a Released status, it must have a routing.
  5. To update the Completed and Scrapped fields, you must create a production schedule transaction.
  6. Save the release.

Now you can create a routing and bill of material for the production schedule release See Creating Routings and Bills of Material..

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