Analyzing APS Output

The system generates the plan output data when you run the APS Planning activity. You can view the results graphically and statistically, using forms and reports that depict system and component performance. The types of questions these forms and reports answer are usually related to a resource/resource group, an item, or demands.

Output Forms

Resource Utilization

Resource Group Utilization

Resource Group Load Profile

Resource Plan

Resource Group Plan

Resource Gantt Chart

Resource Load Profile

Material Planner Workbench

Master Planning Report

Master Planning Display

Demand Summary

Demand Detail Chart APS

Inventory Summary

Inventory Levels

Supply Usage Report

Projected Item Completions Report

Projected Item Completions by Resource Report

Item Bottlenecks Report

Resource and Resource Group Analysis

The table below describes how to answer specific resource and resource group-related questions on an output form:

When you want to do this... Use this output form
View the load on a given resource or resource group. Resource Load Profile APS, Resource Utilization

Resource Group Load Profile APS, Resource Group Utilization APS

Find out which resources or resource groups are bottlenecks. Resource Utilization

Resource Group Utilization APS

View the plan for each resource or resource group. Resource Gantt Chart APS, Resource Plan

Resource Group Plan

View the sequence of work at a resource or resource group. Resource Gantt Chart APS, Resource Plan

Resource Group Plan

View the total quantity of items projected to be completed at a given resource or resource group on a range of dates. Projected Item Completions by Resource Report APS

Projected Item Completions by Resource Group Report APS

Item Analysis

The table below describes how to answer item-related questions on an output form:

When you want to do this... Use this output form
Analyze the inventory level of all items in the database during a specified date range. Inventory Summary
View a graph of the inventory and safety stock levels for a specified item during a specified date range. Inventory Levels
View all requirements for an item for a specified period (also known as the "bucketed requirements" view). Planning Summary
View all outstanding requirements, receipts, projected available quantities, and available to promise quantities for an item during a specified period in time. Master Planning Display, Master Planning Report
View individual planning transactions related to a given item (including the exact day you need requirements). Planning Detail
View multiple planned orders for multiple items based on a subset of the plan data (which you choose on the Material Planner Workbench Generation form). Material Planner Workbench
View exception messages that describe any discrepancies in the plan for an item. Planning Detail, Exceptions Report
View exception messages for multiple items in the plan. Material Planner Workbench, Exceptions Report
Firm individual planned orders into purchase orders, jobs, etc. Planning Detail
Firm multiple planned orders for multiple items at one time. Material Planner Workbench
View usage details of all supplies in the system, including what demands have allocated those supplies. Supply Usage APS, Supply Usage Report APS
View the total quantity of an item projected to be completed within a range of dates. Projected Item Completions Report APS
View individual planning transactions related to a given item, arranged by item. An alternative view from the Planning Detail form. Planning Detail APS
Note:  The Pegging Display also shows demands for an item, but at a less detailed level than the information shown on the Supply Usage APS form.

Demand Analysis

The table describes how to answer general demand-related questions on an output form:

When you want to do this... Use this output form
For a range of dates, view information about all demands in the system. View the item, projected date, due date, and the number of days the demand is projected to be late. Demand Summary APS
View a graphical representation of how a demand is planned, including components on the critical path to its completion. Identify the causes of waiting time. Demand Detail Chart APS
View each purchased item's lead time and the number of demands that are delayed due to shortages of the item. Item Bottlenecks Report APS
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