Running APS Planning

To run the APS plan, use the following procedure. This procedure deletes the existing plan and recreates it using the latest demand and capacity information.

  1. Make sure the planner database is running.
  2. Navigate to the APS Planning form.
    Note:  Run this activity only at times when no other users will be saving changes to records that are included in the plan. You can run it on a recurring basis by scheduling it on the Background Queue.
  3. Select whether to generate the plan for this local site (Single-Site Plan) or for all sites (Global Plan).
    • A global plan generates transfer orders for any remote components using up-to-date planning data at the remote site. To use this option, multiple sites must be defined using the Sites/Entities form. Those sites must also be defined on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form. The site you are logged in to must be configured as the "local" site on the APS Sites and Alternative Management form and the other sites must be configured as "remote" sites.
    • A single-site plan can generate transfer orders, but the system generates them using the item lead time and transit time (you can replicate them to the supply sites using the planning replication category).
  4. To start the APS planning activity, click Plan.

    The system displays the message: Task Submitted.

  5. To find out if the process completed successfully, open the Background Task History form.

    If the planning task appears in the list with a Return Status of 0 (Complete), the task completed successfully.

  6. When the process is finished, you can view the new planned orders and exception messages using the Planning Detail form or the Material Planner Workbench.
  7. You can also analyze the plan output using one of several output analysis forms to determine bottlenecks in your resource capacity and to determine how your supplies are being used.

If any errors occur during this process, view the ERRORLOG table in the CloudSuite Business SQL database for a more detailed error message. For more information, see Troubleshooting APS.

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