Interpreting the Exceptions Report

This topic describes the details of the Exceptions Report output in its Detail and Summary view.

Detail Report

  • Outstanding Requirements:

    The outstanding requirements are the sum of three components:

    • Forecast: The forecast amounts are the outstanding quantities for all forecasts entered for that period.
    • Independent Demand: Independent demand quantities are determined by all customer orders and transfers for the current item with a due date in that period.
    • Dependent Demand: Dependent demand quantities are the requirements from parent items, as planned orders are generated. Planned orders are the result of jobs or production schedules.
  • Outstanding Receipt:

    The outstanding receipt quantities are made up of purchase orders, purchase requisitions, firmed or released jobs, released production schedules, and transfers.

  • Original Quantity:

    The original quantity is the original suggested order quantity created by running the APS Planning or MRP Planning activity.

  • Parent Item Transaction:

    A parent item transaction is caused by a job, MPS order item, planned order or production schedule for the item's parent that has been exploded down to that item.

  • Reference:

    The reference identifies the source of the receipt or requirement that is due. The reference consists of three parts:

    • Part 1:

      The first part maintains a code that identifies the transaction type as a requirement or receipt.

      Requirement Types:

      • (Independent Demand)
      • CO - Customer Order
      • FCST - Forecast: The FCST shows the date of the forecast instead of a reference number in the Reference field.
      • TRNS - Transfer Shipment
      • (Dependent Demand)
      • PJOB - Parent Job: This transaction is caused by a job for the item's parent that has been exploded down to that item.
      • PMPS - Parent Master Production Schedule: This transaction is caused by an MPS order for the item's parent that has been exploded down to that item.
      • PPLN - Parent Planned Order: This transaction is caused by a planned order for the item's parent that has been exploded down to that item.
      • PPS - Parent Production Schedule: This transaction is caused by a production schedule for the item's parent that has been exploded down to that item.

      Receipt types:

      • JOB - Job
      • MPS - Master Production Schedule
      • PLN - Planned Order
      • PO - Purchase Order
      • PREQ - Purchase Requisition
      • PS - Production Schedule
      • TRNR - Transfer Receipt
    • Part 2:

      The second part of the reference field is the CO number, job, and job suffix numbers, PO number, Production Schedule ID, purchase requisition number or transfer number.

    • Part 3:

      The third part of the reference field is the operation, if it is a job; or the line/release, if it is a CO or PO.

      For example, a Reference Code of CO 12 3-1 means that this item corresponds to customer order number 12, line/release 3-1. A Reference Code of PJOB 55-0001 10 means that this item corresponds to Job 55-0001, and Operation 10.

      Note:  You may also see the above reference with an X preceding it; for example, XPO. This situation indicates that it has been cross referenced. Other valid cross references are: XCO, XJOB, XPJOB, XPREQ and XTRNR.
  • Alternate Materials:
    Note:  Alternate materials apply only to APS.

    In the Detail view, this report displays any alternate materials used in the BOM. The word "Alternate" displays next to the material if the APS Planning activity used an alternate material on a planned order, and then you firmed that planned order into a job or production schedule item and copied the current routing/BOM.

    See the Alternate field on the Planning Detail form for more information.

Summary Report

Outstanding requirements are the sum of three components:

  • Forecast: The forecast amounts are the outstanding quantities for all forecasts that were entered for the period.
  • Independent demand: Independent demand quantities are determined by all customer orders and transfers for the current item with a due date in the period.
  • Dependent demand: Dependent demand quantities are the requirements from parent items, as planned orders are generated. Planned orders are the result of jobs or production schedules.

The scheduled receipt quantities are made up of purchase orders, purchase requisitions, firmed or released jobs, released production schedules, and transfers.

The on-hand quantity is the total gross quantity on hand for the item at all locations (minus the non-nettable stock).

The planned orders quantity is the original suggested order quantity created by running the MRP Planning or APS Planning activity.

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