Receiving a Radley EDI Shipping Transaction

  1. Import data into CloudSuite Business. To import the EDI CO shipping transaction from your customer, use the EDI Transaction Load Routine.
  2. Post the orders. You can post the orders manually or allow EDI to post them automatically, depending on how the Auto-Post option is set on the EDI Customer Profiles form:
    • If you set Auto-Post to Inbound or Both, EDI automatically validates and posts the shipping transactions to the system. The Data Collection Parameters form's Auto-Post Shipping check box must also be selected in order for Radley EDI Customer Order Shipping transactions to be automatically posted.
    • If you set Auto-Post to Outbound or Neither, you must post the transactions to the system manually using the Customer Order Shipping Error Processing form. When posted, these transactions create system shipping transactions for existing customer orders.

If the system detects any errors during posting, you can correct the data using the Customer Order Shipping Error Processing form, and then repost the transactions. See Errors That Stop Supply EDI Transaction Posting for more information.

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