Errors That Stop Demand EDI CO Transaction Posting

This topic describes the errors that may occur when posting EDI customer orders to CloudSuite Business.
  • Credit Limit Exceeded: The EDI customer order is over the customer's credit limit.
  • Cust-PO is Blank: The EDI customer order does not contain a customer PO number when one was expected. Verify that the EDI customer order includes a valid customer PO number.
  • Customer Contract Does Not Exist: The customer contract does not exist for the specified customer, item and customer item. Verify that the EDI order line/release contains a valid CloudSuite Business customer contract with the customer, item and customer item combination.
  • Invalid Customer: The customer on the EDI customer order is not a valid customer. Verify that the customer exists on the EDI order.
  • Invalid Item: The item number on the EDI customer order blanket line is not a valid CloudSuite Business item. Verify that the item of the EDI order blanket line is a valid CloudSuite Business item.
  • Invalid Order Type: The EDI customer order type is not a valid order type of Regular or Blanket. Verify the EDI order type.
  • Invalid Price Code: An invalid price code was found on the EDI customer order line or EDI customer order blanket line.
  • Invalid Ship-Via: The ship via code on the EDI order is invalid.
  • Invalid Unit of Measure: The EDI Customer Order Line/Release unit of measure is not valid. Verify the EDI Order Line/Release contains a valid CloudSuite Business unit of measure.
  • Invalid Unit Price: The price imported on the EDI customer order line/release does not match the CloudSuite Business calculated price. Verify which price is correct and make the appropriate change.
  • Item Is Obsolete and Cannot Be Posted to an Order: There is a blanket line without any releases and the blanket line item is not found in the item table.
  • More than one Cust PO exists where Order is xxx: More than one customer PO number is assigned to one SYS CO number in the header file.
  • Not One Item Price Exists: No pricing is set up in CloudSuite Business for this item. Add either an item pricing record or a customer-item cross-reference pricing record for this item.
  • Order Already Exists: An CloudSuite Business customer order already exists for the incoming EDI customer order and the CloudSuite Business order is not an EDI order.
  • Order must be Blanket: The EDI customer order attempted to update an CloudSuite Business order that was an EDI order, but was not the specific EDI order type (BCO/BPO/RPO).
  • Unable to Add More Order Line Items: The EDI customer order attempted to update an CloudSuite Business order with 9999 or more line/releases. To correct, close the current order and line, and open a second order and line.
  • Unable to Add More Blanket Releases: The maximum number of blanket releases, 9999, has been reached for a particular blanket line.
  • Warehouse for Item Is Invalid: The Item-Warehouse record for the item on the EDI customer order blanket line does not exists. Verify that the item and warehouse of the EDI order blanket line are valid.
  • XRef not Permitted: The EDI customer order attempted to update an CloudSuite Business order with a line/release cross-referenced to a job or item. An update of CloudSuite Business orders with cross-referenced line/releases is not permitted. Remove the cross reference.
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