Handle Customer Pickups of Sales Orders

Some orders require later pickup by the customer. A later pickup can happen in situations like these:

  • The item ordered is not currently in stock. The customer will return at a later time when the material is available.
  • The customer orders a bulky item and does not have a way to transport it home. The customer can return later and pick up the order.
Note:  If Automatic Logoff After Each Order is selected on the POS Setup form, you must log in again to the cash drawer before performing this process.

To handle the pickup:

  1. In the Point of Sale Entry form, click Order Pickup.
  2. In the POS Customer Order form, select the order to be picked up.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Point of Sale Entry form:
    • Verify that the information on the Material and Payments tabs is correct. The Quantity Shipped value defaults to the number of items remaining to be picked up. The Payment Type defaults to the value specified on the POS Setup form. The Amount defaults to the total amount due for the order.
    • Click Process. The pick up is processed and a POS receipt is created for the transaction.
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