Consolidated Invoice Overview

A consolidated invoice covers multiple orders shipped to a customer over a period of time.

For example, you can print a weekly invoice that includes all orders shipped to a customer during the week. Order items in the invoice can derive from multiple purchase orders placed by the customer and from multiple customer orders associated with a purchase order.

Consolidated invoicing can be applied to most customer orders and customer order items, except as noted below. Items shipped under delivery orders must be invoiced through the consolidated invoicing system.

You can specify consolidated invoicing at several levels:

  • Customer: All orders shipped to a customer can be designated for consolidated invoicing.
  • Customer Order: All items shipped under a specific customer order can be designated for consolidated invoicing.
  • Customer Order Item: Specific items in a customer order can be designated for consolidated invoicing.

The time interval for invoicing (daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly, other, or hold) is part of the basic specification for consolidated invoicing. In addition, you can specify whether lines in an invoice should be summarized. Summarization consists of combining similar customer-order line items into a single line in a consolidated invoice.

If a customer's Include Tax In Price check box is selected, the system consolidates only those customer orders with the Include Tax In Price check box also selected. The system calculates the price before tax and then makes the appropriate general ledger entries for sales tax, sales and accounts receivable. If the customer's Include Tax In Price check box is not selected, the system consolidates only those customer orders that do not have the Include Tax In Price check box selected.

When an Invoice is created from a consolidated invoice tied to a shipment, the order current freight and miscellaneous shipment values are set to zero, and the values for those orders specific to the shipment are added into the orders' accumulated values.

Note:  Consolidated invoicing does not function with EDI orders, progressive billing invoices, project invoices, or return material authorizations. Consolidated invoicing cannot be applied to a customer order with a fixed exchange rate. Invoiced items must be shipped from the same site.

Progressive Invoices

The Consolidated Invoicing activity does not print progressive invoices. The activity processes previous progressive billings against each customer order item (as in regular invoicing), printing previously invoiced amounts and reducing the new invoice amount accordingly. Previously billed amounts for an invoice line are summarized and printed on one line.

Sales Commissions

Sales commission records are created for each order on a consolidated invoice; thus, a consolidated invoice may have more than one commission due record. All consolidated invoice item records for a specific order are linked to one commission due record.

Sales Tax on Freight and Miscellaneous Charges

Sales tax is calculated on freight and miscellaneous charges amounts for a consolidated invoice, using the tax codes for freight and miscellaneous charges on the unprinted consolidated invoice, as displayed on the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form. For each order, the system uses the freight and miscellaneous charges amounts and the tax codes on the order to update the appropriate estimated and accumulated sales tax values on the order.

Note: If the freight and miscellaneous charges amounts are changed on the order after the unprinted consolidated invoice has been generated, you must regenerate the invoice to incorporate the changes.

The tax codes for freight and miscellaneous charges on the unprinted consolidated invoice may be different from the codes on each of the individual orders on the unprinted consolidated invoice. Therefore, amounts posted to accumulated values on the order may be different from what is actually printed on the invoice.

Task Overview System Form
Set up a customer for consolidated invoicing Customers
Set up a customer order for consolidated invoicing Customer Orders
Add an order line to be included in a consolidated invoice Customer Order Lines, Customer Order Blanket Releases
Ship the order Order Shipping
Generate consolidated invoices for shipped orders Consolidated Invoice Generation
Review and modify pending records before printing consolidated invoices Consolidated Invoices Workbench
Print consolidated invoices Consolidated Invoicing
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