Updates to Localizations

Germany Localization

In cases where the Germany Localization previously used a modified copy of a base form, the modifications in the copy are now included in the base CloudSuite Business form, and the copy has been removed. Many features that were previously part of the localization are now part of the base product and require no special country pack licensing:

  • These forms were moved into the base product:
    • Statement of Account Report
    • EU VAT Reporting Categories (however, some of the functionality of the categories still requires the Germany Country Pack license)
    • Tax Line Numbers
    • Tax Line Numbers Query
  • On the Customer Document Profile and Vendor Document Profile forms, the Task Name field list now includes an option for Statement of Account.
  • These base product forms now use a different early payment discount calculation, which was previously part of the Germany Localization:
    • A/P Check Printing/Posting
    • A/P Payment Distributions
    • A/P Payments
    • A/P Posted Transactions Detail
    • A/P Posted Transactions Summary
    • A/P Quick Payment Application
    • A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
    • A/R Payment Distributions
    • A/R Payments
    • A/R Posted Transactions Detail
    • A/R Posted Transactions Summary
    • A/R Quick Payment Application
    • Generate A/P Transactions
    • Generate Landed Cost Vouchers
  • The Journal Entries form now includes fields to indicate whether a journal entry is for a tax amount. This feature, which allows users to enter manual journal entries for taxes, was previously part of the Germany Localization but is now available in the base application.
  • The VAT Report, which was previously known as the EU VAT Report (Germany), is now available in the base application. It is different from the EU VAT Report:
    • Use the EU VAT Report form to capture information about the value of intra-community sales and purchases. This information is required for the European Union (EU) Value Added Tax (VAT) Report. This report extracts information for boxes 1-7 from invoice and voucher sales tax information, and boxes 8 and 9 from the Invoice Register and A/P Voucher Register line items, grouped by tax code.
    • Use the VAT Report form, which is a more detailed version of the EU VAT Report form, to extract information from invoice and voucher sales tax information, from the Invoice Register and A/P Voucher Register line items, and from the manual journal entries tax table. The information can be grouped in various ways to provide subtotal amounts that can be used to fill in the VAT reports that are required by tax authorities in some EU countries. You can also set up Tax Line Numbers and use this report to tie the tax line numbers to the relevant boxes on your VAT submission form, to provide transaction totals.

The features and forms which are still in the Germany Localization are now installed with the base product but are licensed separately. These features only available if the Germany Country Pack license is enabled on the Optional Modules form and the Activate EU Reporting field is selected on the General Parameters form:

  • Category field on the Tax Codes form
  • Tax calculation using tax line numbers and categories on the Purchase Order Receiving, Generate A/P Transactions and Voucher Builder forms.
  • GoBD Data Media Transfer Report

Help for the Germany Localization is now included under the Optional Modules node of the help table of contents.

Japan Localization

These features were moved from the Japan Localization into the base product:

  • The Consumption Tax Report and accompanying Consumption Tax Report Setup forms
  • The Account Code Tax Defaults form

China Localization

The report output for these forms was enhanced with more appropriate headings and terminology to better suit the needs of customers with this localization: Posted Voucher Print, Unposted Manual Voucher Print, Posted Account Enquiry Detail.

Thailand Localization

These new fields have been added to the A/P Payments Distribution form to support the localization: WHT Pay Type, Postal/Zip Code, and a new address line. A new Thai tab has been added to the Accounts Payable Parameters form allowing you to set up a logical folder, and the Withholding Tax Certificate Report form has changed with the addition of the WHT Number range fields and the WHT Date range fields. The Check Number range fields have been removed. To the Withholding Tax Information Maintenance (After Posted) form, we have added these fields: WHT Number range fields, WHT Date range fields, the WHT Type field, and the Reprint check box. The Check Number, Bank Code, and WHT Sequence fields have been removed.