Updates to Mongoose

Mongoose version

This version of CloudSuite Business uses the Mongoose version 9.03.

Enhanced User Interface

We gave the user interface a facelift by updating all Mongoose forms, components, and controls to current Infor styling standards.

Software Updates and Certifications

This release of Infor Mongoose is certified to operate correctly on these systems: Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, SQL Server 2014. We also upgraded the web client to use Ext JS 5.1 (from 3.4). To implement this, we added processes that build the web client resources into single JavaScript and stylesheet files to be included in the release file set. In addition, with this release, Mongoose is compliant with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 throughout the entire Mongoose framework. This compliance ensures the proper level of encryption/decryption for licensing records in the application database. This allows Mongoose-based applications to run in environments where Local Security Policy for FIPS must be enabled ("System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption,hashing, and signing"). This change also supports backward compatibility to application databases where licensing data is encrypted using non-FIPS-compliant algorithms (MD5 hash). If the framework is run with an application database that is encrypted withMD5 algorithms only, licensing validation should still succeed. However, if this is the case, then the Local Security Policy for FIPS-compliant algorithms must be disabled. The Mongoose-based application user/administrator should see no change with a fully upgraded application database,other than the fact that they can now enable the Local Security Policy, "System cryptography: Use FIPS Compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing". A fully upgraded application database includes all Mongoose 9.03 upgrades, as well as having the existing (or new) license document applied using the Apply License process of the License Manager form.

Changes to Translatable String Labels

All instances of the word “hand-coded” in translatable string labels have been changed to “.NET”. All instances of “Custom Assemblies” in string labels have been changed to “IDO Extension Class Assemblies”, or where that was too long, “IDO Assemblies”.

Express Configuration Option

We simplified configuration for basic installs, ones where only the base features are needed and the default values are acceptable. This new option allows you to configure Mongoose without needing to decide what components to select.

Captions Display in the Sort Collection Option

The Sort dialog box that displays from the System menu > Edit > Sort Collection option has always provided a list of properties by which to sort the collection. Unlike the similar dialog boxes displayed for the Find Value in Collection or Replace Value in Collection options, though, the translated captions associated with those properties were not also displayed in the drop-down list. We fixed the Sort Collection drop-down list to display the captions along with the property names in the Sort dialog box.

Enhancements to the Calendar Component

We enhanced the Calendar component to give end users more control over its appearance, both in the WinStudio client and in the web client. The Theme Editor now has options to control the colors and the fonts used on all elements of the calendar. We also enhanced the rendering of the Calendar component in both the WinStudio client and web client to be more consistent with each other.

Improvements to Grid Control

We replaced our WPF grid control with a new WPF grid control that optimizes and improves grid performance. This enhancement improves all grids, including those used for subcollections and vertical grids.

Automatic Regeneration of Tables with Views

For tables that have views, if the table or any of its columns are modified, the view is now automatically regenerated. The user who modifies the table and its column no longer needs to call the View Management form to regenerate the view. Also, if a table that has a view is deleted, its view is deleted as well.

Actipro Stack/Arrange Option Disabled

We disabled the WinStudio smart client Actipro option to stack or arrange forms. This means that Actipro's docking options are disabled when the Tabbed Form Layout option is selected in User Preferences.

Ability to Export DataView Results to Excel

We added the ability to export DataView results from the web client to an Excel file. This function is similar to the already existing smart client function, with the exception that you cannot export DataView results that include grouping;and in the web client you can export only to Excel (not to XPS).

SQLCLR Code Removed

SQLCLR code in the application database has caused security concerns in the cloud, as well as causing ongoing problems with corruption in the installed code. Because of these issues, we removed the SQLCLR code from the application database.

Services Load New Configurations without Restarting

Primarily to facilitate cloud operations, many of the Infor framework services now load new or modified configurations without having to be restarted. These services include the Taskman service, the Event Service, the Replication service,the ReplQListener service, and the InboundBus service.

MARS Connections No Longer the Default

With this release, Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) connections are no longer the default when making SQL Server connections. MARS connections have been causing failures when doing transfer order processing in some Mongoose-based applications. The MARS setting is not needed for normal Mongoose operations. If a particular Mongoose-based application needs to use MARS, system administrators can set the Misc. Connect Info field in the Configuration Manager to this value: ;MultpleActiveResultSets=True

Single Database Option for Configurations

Driven chiefly by the need to simplify cloud installations, we now offer the option to configure Mongoose using a single database for all metadata. This option includes all form, form templates, objects, and application metadata in a single database. This option must be selected during initial configuration, using the Configuration Wizard. Once installation is complete, you can then use the same database to configure all database access in the Configuration Manager.

XPAB and RSDAO Options Removed

The smart-client-via-browser (or XBAP) client is now considered obsolete and all related options have been removed. In addition, all projects related to RSDAO have also been removed.

CLI Option for System Health Checks

We added the ability to perform system health checks on a number of Infor Framework services. These health checks can be performed using a Command Line Interface (CLI) option with the Configuration Manager executable file(ConfigManager.exe). See the Configuration Manager help topic "CLI options with Configuration Manager."

Sites Column Added to License Consumption Form

We added a Sites column to the grid display on the License Modules per User Connection form. This column is most useful in multi-site setups, where the system administrator wants to monitor which site users are connecting from.

Prevention of Potential BOD Sequencing Error

We added a new stored procedure to prevent a potential problem where incoming BODs might arrive out-of-sequence. The new process makes sure that only the latest version of an incoming BOD is processed. To do this, we added a BOD Information table that collects certain data from every incoming BOD. We also created a new core form (Purge BOD Information) to allow administrators to purge the information in this table either automatically or manually.

New Stored Procedure to Handle Core-related SQL Modules of IncDateSp

We revised an application-specific version of a stored procedure called IncDateSp and added it to core Mongoose. Our version of the stored procedure disregards the EventHandlerState.RetestAtDate and EventTrigger_mst.RetestAtDatecolumns. At the same time, it maintains the basic process in the core and uses various callouts to other, application-specific, stored procedures to perform specified operations.

Application Locale and Language Settings When Running in Infor Ming.Le

Mongoose-based applications running in Infor Ming.le can now appear to override the locale and language settings of the user's browser with values specified by the Ming.le environment. These values are specified as URL parameters.

Visual Studio 2015 Now Supported

Visual Studio 2015 is now supported for script authoring and editing. We continue to support Visual Studio 2013 as well. Options for these are under User Preferences.

Support for Charts and Gauges in Multi-device Type Forms

We added the capability to "unshare" Chart and Gauge component types on forms. This allows form developers to create different device type versions of a form that contain these components.

Tab Order Autonumbering

Previously, when creating new components in Design Mode, the default tab order setting was always 0 (zero). We changed the default behavior so that the tab order setting for a new component is automatically set to a value one greater than the greatest value currently in use on the form. In the case of multiview forms, this autonumber feature for tab order affects only the view on which the component is being created.

Set From List Only Validator Deprecated

The Set From List Only validator is now deprecated and is no longer available from the Types drop-down list on the Validator Properties dialog box. However, its functionality is still supported for backwards compatibility. Use the In Collection validator type instead.

HTML Attribute Removed from IDO Properties

We removed the HTML attribute from IDO properties, as it is now considered obsolete. The HTML field no longer appears on the IDO Properties form.

Data Change Event Generation for Multi-selection List Boxes

We now generate any Data Change event defined for a List box component, whenever a Ctrl+click or other keyboard method is used to make multiple selections for a selected record.

New Options for Selecting IDO Methods When Creating Standard or Custom Methods

When creating an IDO method using standard or custom load .NET methods, Mongoose now provides a drop-down list of methods to choose from on the New Method form. When a method is selected, WinStudio then populates parameters on the IDO Methods form.

Placement of Action Items on Context Menus

Previously, Action menu items on context (right-click) menus were always added to the beginning of the context menu items list. With this enhancement, form developers now have more control over where these context menu items appear in the list. Developers can use the StdCurCompAction event as a placeholder for the menu item, positioning it at the desired place in the list of menu items. In addition, we have reordered all standard context menus with "Action" in their names to display StdCurCompActionitems at the end of the context menu by default. If this is not the desired placement for these items, developers can reorder the menus or use custom menus.

IDO Method for SaaS Check

We created a IDO method that can be used to check whether a license is a SaaS (Software as a Service) license. This method returns the value of the IDORuntime.Context.LicenseInfo.SAASEnabled property.

BUS Tools in the Administrative Client

We incorporated two existing development tools, BusInboxHost.exe and BUSPrototype.exe, into the administrative client installation for use by developers. These tools already existed in the application server installation.

Option to interpret "\n" as a New Line Command or a Literal Value

For components that can contain text, you now have the option to have the key sequence \n interpreted either as a newline escape sequence or as a literal value. Affected components include Static, Option Button, Check Box, and Button components. This option is set by means of a new property at the individual component level.


We added a new FORMONLYMODE substitution keyword that you can use to determine whether a form is currently open in FormOnly mode or not.

Warning for Conditional Action Edits

We added the ability in Design Mode for the conditional action editor to detect when a developer attempts to make edits to a conditional action that:
  • Has previously been edited in such a way as to exceed the normal functionality of the conditional action; and
  • Provides a warning to the developer that continuing will cause the original expression to be lost. This warning also provides a way to cancel the edit operation.

In cases like this, the developer then has the option to edit the conditional action expression directly.

Stretch Column Property Added for Grid Components

We added a new attribute for Grid form components: Stretch Columns. This new property allows you to stretch the display of a grid to fill the available horizontal space in cases where the grid display does not normally fill it. The new property is located under the Miscellaneous > Specific Attributes section on the Component property sheet.

Increased Number of Characters for Username Fields

We increased the length of the UserNameType to accommodate 128 characters, up from the previous 30-character limit. We did not change the appearance of those fields in the UI. Instead, they scroll to accommodate longer values.

New URL Parameter to Hide the Menu

We added a new session startup parameter that you can add to the URL for a web client session that allows you to hide the main menu when the client window opens. This parameter is menu=hidden.

Display of Variable Names in Drop-down Lists

In the Application Event System, any drop-down list for variables now show the variable names that have been entered into the Variable Access tab for any Notify or Prompt action in the handler. These variable names also display wherever else we display a list of variable names for the selected handler. Previously, the drop-down lists for variables included only variables entered and saved using the Parameters tab of the Event Actions form. This change allows these lists to display also variables entered and displayed on the Variable Access tab. This means, among other things, that the names of all variables that have been defined on any Notify or Prompt action for the current event handler are now displayed:
  • On the Variable Names list on the Event Action Set Values Editor
  • On the Expression list on the Event Expression Editor
  • In the Name column under the Variable Access tab on the Event Actions form (which also now displays payload variables when it is appropriate to do so)

Event Actions that Operate on IDOs in an External Application

We created four new event actions that can be used to perform IDO operations on external Mongoose applications. The four new actions are Dispatch IDO Method, Dispatch Load Collection, Dispatch Load IDO Row, and Dispatch Update Collection. These new actions work in similar fashion to their internal application counterparts (Call IDO Method, Load Collection, Load IDO Row, and Update Collection, respectively). Each of the new actions also has its own associated event action form.