Configuring Logical Folders

In order to import or export files that are used by ERP features such as EDI, EFT, or payroll, you must set up file servers and logical folders on those file servers. This topic tells how to configure the logical folders after the file server is set up and activated. The logical folders will store the files that are used for importing and exporting data into the application database, archiving data, and logging data.

In a demo environment, a set of logical folders are predefined for you, but they must still be configured. In an initialized application, only one "demo" logical folder is defined, and you must add other logical folders.

See List of Logical Folders to Define for a list of the suggested logical folders to use in each area of the application that requires import, export, or archive files. This topic also provides the recommended authorization groups to assign to each logical folder.


  • You must be a system administrator for this application, with permission to access the appropriate forms.
  • Decide which of the logical folders from the List of Logical Folders to Define that you need to add for your implementation.
  • Decide which user authorization groups should have access to each logical folder.
  1. On the File Server Logical Folders form, click the filter button to view any existing logical folders.
  2. Add and configure logical folders as needed.

    Use the information in List of Logical Folders to Define to determine which folders you need to configure and activate.

    For example, if you plan to use the External Payroll feature, you should configure the two logical folders named PayrollImport and PayrollExport.

    For each logical folder that you need, specify this configuration information:

    Select this check box.
    Logical Folder Name
    Add a logical folder name from the List of Logical Folders to Define, for example, PayrollImport.
    Select the Server Name of the file server that you defined using one of these topics:

    Setting up a File Server for ERP in the Cloud

    Setting up a File Server for ERP On-Premises

    Folder Template
    Specify a path where the folders will be stored on the file server. For example, use \PR for external payroll logical folders or \EDI for EDI logical folders.

    Later, you could set up a more elaborate folder structure using templates.

    Folder Access Depth
    Specify 5 as an initial value, to allow for future changes.

    You can modify the Folder Template and Folder Access Depth values later. See the help topic "Example: Setting Up Templates for Logical Folders."

  3. Set up the authorizations that determine which users can access each logical folders:
    1. In the Groups form, select one of the authorization groups that will be used for a logical folder.

      For example, select the Payroll group.

      For the suggested groups to assign for each logical folder, see List of Logical Folders to Define.

    2. Ensure that the appropriate users are added to the group. This group must include all users who you want to access the logical folder.
      Note: In order to test this setup in step 5, you must add yourself as a member of this group so that you have access to the logical folder. Super users do not automatically have access to logical folders.
    3. Click Group Authorizations.
    4. In the Object Authorizations for Group form, add the logical folder to the group. Specify this information:
      Object Type
      Select File Server.
      Object Name
      Select the name of the logical folder in that file server that you want to associate with the group.

      For example, for the Payroll group, you would specify PayrollImport and PayrollExport. Then everyone in the Payroll group has access to the PayrollImport and PayrollExport logical folders.

      Select the access privileges that group members should have for this logical folder. These should include read, write and delete.
    5. Repeat these steps for each authorization group/logical folder combination that you plan to use.
  4. Associate the logical folders with the appropriate parameter forms.

    To view the parameters form and field that should be set up with each defined logical folder, see List of Logical Folders to Define.

    For example, on the External Payroll Interface Parameters form, specify PayrollImport in the Import Logical Folder field, and PayrollExport in the Export Logical Folder field.

  5. Click the Files button next to one of the logical folder fields on the parameter form and verify that you can open the File Maintenance form for that logical folder. (In order to access the folder, you must be a member of the authorization group that is associated with the logical folder.)

    You can use the File Maintenance form to manually upload or download files or to view the files in the logical folder.

    You can then use transactional forms to actually import or export the files into the application. For example, on the External Payroll Interface Input form, when you click Load File, the externally processed payroll data from the file that was uploaded into the Import Logical Folder is loaded into the application database.

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