Configuring Logical Folders
In order to import or export files that are used by ERP features such as EDI, EFT, or payroll, you must set up file servers and logical folders on those file servers. This topic tells how to configure the logical folders after the file server is set up and activated. The logical folders will store the files that are used for importing and exporting data into the application database, archiving data, and logging data.
In a demo environment, a set of logical folders are predefined for you, but they must still be configured. In an initialized application, only one "demo" logical folder is defined, and you must add other logical folders.
See List of Logical Folders to Define for a list of the suggested logical folders to use in each area of the application that requires import, export, or archive files. This topic also provides the recommended authorization groups to assign to each logical folder.
- You must be a system administrator for this application, with permission to access the appropriate forms.
- Decide which of the logical folders from the List of Logical Folders to Define that you need to add for your implementation.
- Decide which user authorization groups should have access to each logical folder.